Monday, May 24, 2010

Midweek Monologue #2

Hey guess what!

As of this morning, I have officially lost exactly 10 full pounds.

Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!

Ok, so that really is all I had to say.  I know, it's not deep, and it's lacking in my usual philosophical wrapping paper... but it was too exciting to not post.

Tomorrow my cycle-pedal work-out machine should arrive which will allow me to work out finally!

I do have a rant about jeans but it's not terribly interesting.  Let's just suffice to say that I attempted jean shopping this weekend and it did not end well.

Not because I couldn't find my size-- there were plenty of 28s... even some 28petites (yes.. short AND fat... I know it's a curse).

The problem was that the styles that were available were:  1. Boyfriend style, and 2. Skinny jeans.

We've been down this rant before.  Let's just leave it at the fact that a strongly worded email is going out to Avenue to let them know exactly what I think of their new "style" options.  :grrrrr:

In the meantime I continue losing weight and if I keep it up at this rate, I'll soon fit into those Old Navy jeans I didn't bother to send back :)

--An addendum:

My angry letter to Avenue Company regarding their current denim "offerings"

To Whom it May Concern, In the last few years, I've seen a disturbing trend in the plus-size women's market... at Lane Bryant, Catherine's, Fashion Bug... they've begun embracing this "right-fit" sizing which tries to convince me that I'm not a size 28, I'm a size 7, or 8 or whatever their delusion of choice is. In that time I've come to really love being able to walk into Avenue and find a pair of jeans that are just my size-- and labeled that way too! It is my first stop for jeans, and with each pair of jeans, there generally comes the purchase of at least 1 or 2 tops, the occasional pair of shoes, undies, and what have you.  

However, in the last 6-8 months I've spent no money at your store. None. The thing that I need, is jeans. Boot-cut or flare leg jeans. For some reason though, the only "styles" you choose to offer us? The "boyfriend" jean, and the "skinny" jean.  

Now, my first problem with this may be partly due to my being gay but #1- I don't want a boyfriend so why the hell do I want a "boyfriend" jean? If I wanted a jean styled for men.. I'd buy them in a men's store.  

The second problem is with the "skinny" jean. Here's the deal-- I'm fat. I know I'm fat. my friends and family know I'm fat, my coworkers, acquaintances.. hell, strangers can tell I'm fat. I have large hips and a robust bottom. Why on earth do I want to ACCENTUATE that with tiny, tight-legged jeans that make my calves look like chicken bones?  

I went into Avenue last night expecting to spend anywhere from $50 - $100 dollars. Just like I did a few months ago, and a few months before that. I did not spend a dime. I've been in the store prepared to spend $ each time and walked out without a single purchase no fewer than 5 times. No tops. No shoes... and no jeans.  

And now, honestly-- I'm angry. I love Avenue, have really enjoyed the fact that as a general principle I can find cute, style-forward clothes at a really reasonable price. But the fact that you have stopped carrying boot-leg or flared-leg jeans completely is ridiculous, and in my opinion as tantamount to weightism as it is for standard designers to refuse to design and create merchandise for heavier consumers. Worse, actually since the whole purpose of your store is to serve and provide products for women from size 14-32.  

Remember who your store's target demographic is. It's not the size zero, hipless, buttless barbie doll who can shop in any store in the world and find piles of clothing. You serve an under-marketed demographic. Women who can and will pay dearly for clothing that fits and flatters them. At least you used to.  

Until you bring back some reasonable denim stylings... you've lost my business completely. And I'll be sure to take a few other customers with me. I'll find somewhere else to spend my money. It won't be easy, like I said you were my last refuge. But I will. We will.  

Sarah Cate Philipson 
A once Loyal Customer waiting for change.

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